Commercial auto

What information is required to obtain commercial auto insurance proposal?

  • Your First and Last name

  • Mailing address

  • Business name

  • Business address

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • Date of birth

  • FEIN

  • Business type with broad description of all performed operations.

  • How many years of experience in this field?

  • When did the business start?

  • Do you have active insurance in another company?

  • If yes, when is the renewal day?

  • If not, when would you like insurance to go into effect?

  • Do you have business or personal auto insurance? ( can get you a discount)

  • Do you have a USDOT/ MC Numbers?

  • What company are you driving for? (if applicable, please insert contact person information, DOT and MC numbers)

  • What coverage is required? (Bobtail, liability only, cargo, non -trucking)

Drivers’ information:

  • First and Last name

  • Date of birth

  • Driver’s license number

  • When was the license issued?

  • Any tickets or claims?

Commercial auto and/or trailer information:

  • VIN number

  • Make

  • Model

  • Hitch type

  • Value

  • Trailer type

  • What name is on the registration?

  • Is it leased, loaned, or owned?

  • What is the value of all autos and/or trailers?

  • Garaging address

  • What is the usual driving distance? Less than 50 miles, 100 miles, 200 miles, 500 miles and more.

Please answer questions below to receive an insurance proposal. We would appreciate if you send us your current insurance declaration pages, if you have insurance in force. Please email the answers to

What is your truck body type?

What is your trailer type?


  • Coverage - apdrauda.

  • Insured - apdraustasis.

  • DOT (Department of Transportation) - numeris, kurį Jums suteikia transporto departamentas.

  • MC (Federal Motor Carrier) - numeris, kuris suteikia galimybę važinėti už savo valstijos ribų.

  • Bobtail liability - draudžia, kai važiuojama be krovinio/treilerio.

  • Cargo – krovinio apdrauda.

  • Non – trucking – draudžia trucką ar trailerį tuo metu, kai nedirbama. Pvz.: ne darbo metu važiuojama iki parduotuvės ir įvyksta auto įvykis. Šiuo atveju draudimas padengtų taisymo išlaidas.

  • Property damage – dengia kitam auto padarytą žalą.

  • Physical damage – dengia žalą, kuri atsiranda dėl Jūsų kaltės.