Auto Insurance

What information is required to obtain a preliminary auto quote?

  • *IMPORTANT Insurance company regulations are very strict with its rules. It is mandatory to list all licensed/permitted family members. Drivers’ exclusion from your policy is your responsibility and our agency is not taking any responsibility for it.

What is included in one - way coverage?

What is not included in one - way coverage? (can be included for an extra charge)

"One - way" or "Liability only" coverage - civil liability coverage only. This means that only damage caused to others (only if you are at fault) will be covered by the insurance contract, whereas any damage to your own vehicle will not be covered. This is the minimum required coverage and is appropriate when your vehicle is getting older, and its value is so low that the owner is willing to bear the cost of the damage to the vehicle in the event of an accident.

Liability only coverage

  • Liability to others (bodily injury and property damage)

  • Uninsured - Underinsured Motorists

  • Comprehensive

  • Uninsured Motorists property damage

  • Medical

  • Roadside assistance

What is included in a full coverage?

What is not included in a full coverage? (can be included for an extra charge)

“Two way” or "Full coverage" provides greater protection as it covers both - damage you may cause to others and damage to your own vehicle. This type of insurance contract covers your vehicle in the event of a collision, as well as for other risks like theft, vandalism, hail or fire.

Full coverage

  • Physical damage (comprehensive and collision)

  • Liability to others (bodily injury and property damage)

  • Uninsured - Underinsured Motorists (bodily injury)

  • Medical

  • Roadside assistance

  • Custom equipment

  • Rental Car Reimbursement

  • Diminishing Deductible

  • Accident forgiveness

  • New original parts/OEM

  • Etc.


  • Coverage - apdrauda.

  • Insured - apdraustasis.

  • Deductible - nuostolių suma, kurią turite sumokėti Jūs. Kuo mažesnis deductible, tuo didesnė draudimo kaina.

  • Liability to others - civilinė atsakomybė (jei sužeidžiate kitą asmenį ir jei apgadinate kito žmogaus automobilį).

  • Uninsured - Underinsured Motorists -apdrauda, kuri kompensuoja nuostolius, jeigu sužeistasis asmuo neturi draudimo arba jo apdraudų limitai yra mažesni nei Jūsų.

  • Physical Damage - apdrauda, kuri draudžia, jei susidūrimo su kitu automobiliu ar daiktu metu, buvo apgadintas Jūsų automobilis.

  • Medical - medicininės paslaugos.

  • Roadside assistance - pagalba kelyje.

  • Custom equipment - draudžia bet kokią įrangą, baldus ar dalis, kurios, nors ir laikinai, yra pritvirtintos prie automobilio.

  • Rental Car Reimbursement - automobilio nuomos kompensacija.

  • Auto Extra - su šia apdrauda kompensuojamos: išlaidos, skirtos auto įvykio metu atsiradusiems Jūsų arba kito asmens gyvūnėlio sužeidimams gydyti, oro pagalvių pakeitimas, dviračių ar dviračių laikiklių, slidžių ar slidžių laikiklių keitimas ar taisymas (iki tam tikros sumos), priekinio stiklo valytuvų keitimas.

  • Diminishing Deductible - jeigu metai po metų neturite jokių claimų ir turite šią apdraudą - automatiškai mažėja Jūsų deductible.

  • Accident forgiveness - apdrauda, kurią turint, ir vieną kartą padarius avariją, net jei tai buvo Jūsų kaltė, nepakils draudimo kaina.

  • New original parts/OEM - ši apdrauda užtikrina, kad sugadintos automobilio dalys bus keičiamos tik originaliomis. *Ne visi automobiliai kvalifikuojasi šiai apdraudai. Susisiekus galėsime pasakyti, ar Jūsų automobilis tinkamas šiai apdraudai.